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Can I change a container's catalog #? 

Catalog numbers are tightly controlled, but can be modified in certain circumstances

Last Updated: May 2024

Container Catalog numbers are delicate and controlled pieces of information. As such, they can only be edited by certain users. 

Are you a Primary Admin?

  1. If you’re not a Primary Admin, you’ll need to request that a Primary User authorize you to modify container catalog numbers.

  2. If you’re a Primary Admin who needs to authorize this for another user, navigate to that User’s detail screen and turn the setting for “Edit Container Catalog Numbers” to ON.




Next, You’ll need to update the Catalog Number

  1. Locate the Container in your inventory

  2. Click on it to open its detail screen

  3. You’ll note that, as long as you are an authorized user, you will have an editable field for Catalog #. Click into this field to display its dropdown menu.



  4. Click on the “Add New” button to create the new catalog number you’d like to change the container to.

    image (18)-2


  5. After you’ve created and saved the new catalog number, select it from the dropdown menu and click “Save” and your container’s catalog # will be updated.

    image (19)-2