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Can I create an Event without a physician? 

Cases are records of surgeries that are performed and the medical devices used during them, which requires a Physician. However,  when a case is being scheduled, it does not always have a physician assigned yet, so it may become necessary to create a case in Beacon without associating a physician. 

Note: If a Physician is not assigned when the case is created, then one will need to be assigned before the case may be submitted for billing. 

Additionally, a preference card may not be added until a physician has been added. 

Administrator must enable this setting

First, as the physician is required information, the ability to create a case with no physician is a setting that must be enabled by an Administrator in your Organization.

  1. Log into Beacon as an Admin
  2. Navigate to Settings --> Organization Setting
  3. Turn the Setting for "Create Cases without Assigning a Physician" to ON
  4. Save 

Creating a Case with No Physician

  1. Navigate to the Events Screen and click "New Event"
  2. Proceed as you would normally, but skip the Physician field
    1. Note: A Physician must still be entered before the Case may be submitted for billing. 
    2. Note: Preference Cards will not be able to be added without first adding a physician.