How can non-users submit PO numbers?
Non-Users can scan QR codes to add the PO# for a Case
Last updated: May 2024
Just because a user does not have a ConnectSx account doesn’t mean that they don’t have information that needs to make its way into the system. When it comes to adding PO#s we’ve created a simple way for non-users to update the information in the system. Additionally, consider coaching your field representatives and distributors who have not been onboarded to ConnectSx yet to use this feature.
When a sales order is sent to a facility, the sales order will bear a QR code enabling a non-user to add the PO# to the case.
To add the PO:
The user must have the sales order
The user then scans the QR code on the sales order
The users will then be brought to a screen to review the order and enter the PO number.
Here is an example of a sales order with the QR code included: