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How can you mark devices used with AI?

Upload device labels or even a handwritten bill-sheet to mark used inventory in a case


Last updated: May 2024

That’s right, ConnectSx is rolling out new Artificial Intelligence tools to make your life easier! We’ve got some awesome new tools to help you automate and get things done, namely how you can scan in a hand-written bill-sheet to automatically mark inventory as used in a case!

Some users prefer to write things down on paper bill-sheets when they’re in the case, rather than typing directly into their phone. This feature would allow you to convert that handwriting right into your used inventory for the case in ConnectSx! Maybe you have a user who doesn’t use ConnectSx and sends you paper, handwritten bill-sheets. Usually you have to enter these manually as an Admin or Distributor and you just want an easier way - well here it is.

To scan in a handwritten bill-sheet first you’ll need the Bill-Sheet Template to use in your case:

  1. Navigate to the Event Detail screen for your case

  2. Click on the “Devices Used” tab

  3. Click on the AI “Add Bill Sheet” button with the CSX AI Sparkles

  4. You can also find this button by clicking “Mark Used Inventory” above the “Scan-to-Add” button

  5. Click “Download the Devices Used Template” and select if you would like a blank template or to export the file with the Event info pre-populated. You can also access the blank template here:handwritten-bill-sheet-template.pdf

  6. Print this out and bring copies of it with you to your cases so you can write down what you use. You can also type in the data into this sheet on the computer, if you prefer.

  7. In the case, record the catalog numbers of what was used, the lots #s, and the quantities.

  8. Then, when you have the ability to, scan the paper bill-sheet into your computer or device, or take a picture of it.

Note: This feature supports .JPG or .PDF.

  • Any file that is not the ConnectSx template must be a .JPG file.

  • You may input device labels or non-template bill sheets, but they must be .JPG Files.

  • If you use the ConnectSx Bill-Sheet Template, you may upload a .PDF

  • Make sure to put a "-" dash in any field not used in a line you're writing on. It is not necessary to add a dash to any unused bottom rows. 

 Billsheet JPeg example

 Now, you’ll need to pull this bill-sheet into ConnectSx to mark your used inventory:
  1. Navigate to the Event Detail screen for your case

  2. Click on the “Devices Used” tab

  3. Click on the AI “Upload Used” button with the CSX AI Sparkles

  4. You can also find this button by clicking “Mark Used Inventory” above the “Scan-to-Add” button

     image (11)-1

  5. Click “+ Drop Files to Upload”

  6. Next, locate the file on your computer that you are going to use and select or drag and drop it to start the process

    1. This feature supports .JPG or .PDF.

    2. Note any file that is not the ConnectSx template must be a .JPG file

    3. If you use the ConnectSx Bill-Sheet Template, you may upload a .PDF

  7. When you add your file the system will begin scanning the document and translating it into digital text, then using that to match with your inventory and mark items in the case

  8. Note: Results will vary depending on the quality of the scan, handwriting, etc. Please review and update the devices used list as needed. For the best results, please download and use the template linked in the section above.

  9. When it’s done, click on the “AI Parsed” tab to see what it has generated

  10. You’ll see the inventory that the document generated displayed as cards.

    1. Cards highlighted in GREEN signify inventory that the system found successfully in your inventory

      image (12)


    2. Cards highlighted in RED signify an issue with what was entered

       image (13)-1
  11. Review the data that was generated using your document. Any items highlighted in RED must be reviewed and fixed before they could be entered, because this means there was an issue locating the inventory.

    1. Maybe there was an issue reading your handwriting and the system can’t locate the correct catalog or lot #.

    2. Maybe the item is not in your inventory and must be created.

    3. Correct the issue, then click “search” to locate the correct piece of inventory.

  12. Once the issue with a RED item is fixed and the inventory has been found by the system, it will turn GREEN. Any item that will be added to the case must be highlighted in GREEN or it will not be added.

  13. To see what items will be added, review the “Selected” tab. If your item is not on the selected tab, it will not be added.

    image (14)-1


  14. When the selections look correct, click “Mark as used” and the items will be added to the case.

  15. You can always go back and review the files that were added to the AI feature with this method by checking the Device Labels section of the Event Detail screen.


Remember, any items highlighted in RED in the “AI PARSED” tab will not be added to your case, items must show up GREEN and display on the “Selected” tab or they will not be added.