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How do I use the Beacon Intelligence Dashboards?

Each major area of ConnectSx has its own Intelligence Dashboard to provide you with powerful reports and analytics about your account activity.

This article walks you through how to access these dashboards, use them, and export their data. 

If you do not see any data in your Intelligence Dashboards you may need to reach out to your Customer Success representative to get them set up for your account. 

What Intelligence Dashboards are there?

What about the Directory?

How do I find the Intelligence Dashboards?

How do I find the data I'm looking for? 

How do I export this information? 

Where are the Intelligence Dashboards?

The Intelligence Dashboards are located on the pages they support, in context for how you'll use them. Click on the Intelligence button on each page to access them. 

The Events Intelligence Dashboard

Sales Intelligence Dashboard

The Inventory Intelligence Dashboard

The Partially Fulfilled Requests Intelligence Dashboard


What about the Directory?

The Directory pages do not have their own intelligence dashboards at this point, however you may find powerful insights about your directory entities using the filters in the other intelligence dashboards. 

If you visit a Directory page, such as Physicians, Facilities, etc. and click on the Intelligence button you will see an export option.

To export this data: 

  1.  Navigate to the relevant Directory page
  2. Click on the Intelligence button in the upper right
  3. You will see a window pop up with your data displayed
  4. To Export, hover your arrow over the heading of the table and you'll see a Settings wheel icon appear
  5. Select the option to Download
  6. Next, select your desired File Type
  7. Modify the File Name of the file you are about to download
  8. Select if you would like visualizations included, but this may not apply to your export. 
  9. Select if you would like your data Formatted or Unformatted(no rounding, special characters, etc.)
  10. Select the data to be exported. We recommend always using the option "ALL RESULTS" to ensure you get all of your data.
  11. Click Download.  

How do I find the data I'm looking for? 

Depending on the Intelligence Dashboard you are using you will have a wide variety of available filters to help you slice and dice your data. The filters you select will drive all of the analytics and insights on the page. 

The filters can be found along the right side of the screen. Click into any filter to make selections.

After you make your filter selections YOU MUST click the Refresh button to apply them! The refresh button will be highlighted if you have un-applied filters.

How do I export this information? 

  1. Each Intelligence Dashboard is made up of widgets or tables containing different data and insights. Locate the data in the table/widget you would like to export.
  2. Hover over the frame for that table and you will notice a "kabob" or a vertical ellipse icon appear in the upper right corner.
  3. Be careful to select the correct kabob menu, because the page header contains one too, but this is not the one you want. You want the one that, when highlighted reads "Tile Actions"
  4. Select Download Data from the dropdown menu
  5. Select the File Type for your download. We recommend .CSV or Excel to download spreadsheet exports for further analysis. 
  6. Change your download settings. The most common download for a .CSV or Excel file should use the following settings. It is critical to use these settings to ensure all of the data is able to export. 
    1. In Results, select "As displayed in the data table"
    2. In Data Values, select "Unformatted (no rounding, special characters, etc.)
    3. In Number of Rows to Include, select "All Results"
      1. This is very important as your data set may extend farther than Looker is able to display visually in Beacon, but you want to make sure to export all data. 
  7. Under "Number of Rows to include" select "All Results" to ensure you are exporting all data (in case your data exceeds the visible limits of that table. For more information on this read this article). 
  8. Click Download