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How do I know if a price in a case has been edited? 

Pricing is critical, make sure it's correct

Pricing is a critical piece of the sales workflow and needs to be correct, so it can be helpful to identify and understand where the pricing in a case came from and if any have been edited. First, let’s take a look at how pricing works in ConnectSx.

What are the rules of Pricing in ConnectSx?

  1. If no price has been entered for an item at all, it will show $0.00.

  2. If a list price has been entered (ex. MSRP) this will display in the case, unless there is contract pricing entered for that item and facility.

  3. If a contract price has been entered for that item and facility, this will automatically populate and will not be able to be changed unless a user has been enabled to do so by Organization Admins.

  4. Admins may make price changes in a case, even to contract price.

  5. Other users may edit pricing in a case only if they have been enabled to do so by Organization Admins, and then they may edit any price in their cases, even Contract Pricing.


How can I tell if pricing has been changed?

If you have users who are enabled to change pricing, or even if your Admins commonly make pricing changes, it can be difficult to keep track of what is standard and what has changed. We’ve added some helpful tools for keeping track of this.

  1. To start, check if an item is displaying list or contract pricing. If an item is displaying this symbol, it means it does not have a contract price entered and is displaying list price. If the price is $0, it likely does not have a list price entered either.



  2. Next, check to see if ANY prices have been changed by checking the Event statuses.

  3. If you see the “Prices edited by user” status on a case, then that’s your signal to dig in and check which price has been edited. Expand each row and check for pricing status changes.
