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How do I use hold statuses to manage my inventory in ConnectSx?

Last Updated: June 2024

While there are tons of ways to categorize, stratify, and track your inventory as it moves through your value chain, sometimes you just need your inventory to stay put and know for certain that it’s not going anywhere. And sometimes you need to track your inventory as it moves throughout your internal operational workflow before it is released to market. For instance, You may need to load your inventory into the system before it is ready to be released into the market; or you may have a non-conformance and need to quarantine your all inventory in a given product line. Well, we’ve created a feature to help you out…

You can now set different HOLD statuses for your inventory:

  • Inspection - While inventory is being inspected it cannot be transferred

  • Quarantine - When inventory is quarantined it cannot be transferred.

  • Ready for Sale - Inventory has been released to the market and can be transferred to sales users.

  • Receiving - While inventory is in receiving it cannot be transferred.

  • Rejected/Damaged - When inventory has been rejected, it cannot be transferred.

To update the HOLD status of a container or item follow these steps:

  1. First log into the console.

  2. Navigate to the inventory screen.

  3. Filter/Search to find the desired inventory item.

  4. Click on the item to bring up its detail screen.

  5. Scroll down to the “Hold Status” field and select a status from the drop down menu (see below).

  6. Then Click “Save”

Note: When the HOLD status is updated for a container, this status will also be applied to all inventory items within that container when the status is saved.




Set Hold Status on Import

You may now also set a HOLD status for your inventory when it is being imported.


Note: The selected HOLD status will apply to all inventory imported in this batch.

  1. Navigate to the import screen

  2. Click “Create New”

  3. Select your file for upload

  4. Select your Manufacturer

  5. Then Select the desired HOLD Status

  6. Complete the rest of your import as normal