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Do changes I make to a container affect the devices in the container?

Last Updated: June 2024

Containers hold or “Contain” other devices as a group and are transferred as a single unit.

However, sometimes changes made to a container also propagate and are applied to the items contained within.

This article highlights the changes that cascade down and are shared with the associated devices when applied to a container.

1. Transfers

As mentioned above, when inventory is transferred from one custodian to another, all items contained within are also transferred. All items also get the transfer history added to their detail screen.

2. Manual Deactivations

When a container is manually deactivated all of the items contained within are also deactivated. This action cannot be undone. All of the items, including the container, will be considered permanently inactive.

3. Location

Because inventory is contained within the container, any device in a container shares the location of that container. If you change the location of the container, that change will automatically apply to the devices in that container.

4. Due Back Date

When a due back date is set for a container, the same due date is applied to all associated devices. The due back date stays with the device even if you remove it from the container before its date is reset.

5. HOLD Status

When a Hold Status change is made to a container (i.e. Inspection, Quarantine, Ready for Sale, Receiving, Rejected/Damaged), this change is also applied to all included devices. This hold status continues to persist for a device that is released from the container. However, once a device is released from a container, its hold status is able to be modified.

6. Consignment Status

With the release of console version 4.2.0, a change to consignment status (i.e. Consigned, Loaned, Other, Possession) will also be applied to the devices in the container. This status will persist with a device if it is removed from the container, but once a device is released from a container its hold status is able to be modified.