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How do I schedule a case (or other event type), in ConnectSx?

This is the first step in billing for a surgery

Last updated: May 2024

The first step in billing for a case in ConnectSx is to create the case, or in other words schedule the event. 

If your sale is not associated with a surgical case, check out this article. 

Page Contents: 

How to Schedule a Case in vTrakr

How to Schedule a Case in the Console

How to Schedule a Case in vTrakr


  1. Navigate to the Events page
    Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 12.28.54 PM
  2. Click the + button in the lower right corner to create a new case 

    Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 12.29.34 PM
  3. Next, Enter all of the information for the case

  4. Select Event Type. For more info on Event Types, check out this article

  5. Select the representative present for the case.
    1. This should be the custodian user whose inventory will be pulled from when marking used inventory.
    2. Admins and Distributors may enter cases on behalf of users under their purview.

    Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 12.30.02 PM
  6. Enter a Name for the Case to help distinguish one event from another. 
    1. If no event name is entered, the system will generate one automatically from the stored event information.
  7. If available, enter the anonymous patient ID.
    1. ConnectSx is built on HIPAA compliant infrastructure, but users must continue to observe their company's procedures and safeguards for safeguarding patient data. 
    2. We recommend using Anonymous identifiers to lower the risk of potential breach. 
  8. Select the Facility, Procedure, and Physician from the associated drop down menus. 
    1. These options are populated from the assigned directory records. If a record is missing it may need to be created in the directory or assigned to the user
    2. For questions about missing directory records, reach out to your organization's admin for more information.

    3. You may add a new record by clicking the "Add new" link at the bottom of the drop down selection menu. 

    Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 12.31.25 PM
  9. Add relevant procedure modifiers
  10. Select the Date and Time of the case
    1. Date it a required field. Time is not required, although it is necessary to take advantage of scheduling features of ConnectSx, such as the Event Calendar. 
  11. Click Next
  12. Add the manufacturer for the case
    Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 12.31.54 PM
  13. Select a preference card, if relevant. For more information on preference cards read this article
    Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 12.32.23 PM
  14. Add product lines.
    1. This step is not required, but will associate product lines used in the case with the case. 
    2. This will add product line filters to the inventory selection in the next screen. Product lines can be added after the case has been created.
  15. Associate containers.
    1. This step is not required, but will associate any containers present in the case with the event record to track usage. 
    2. Any container that has a device added to the case will automatically be associated with the case record. However, adding containers manually ensures they are associated if they were present and unused, for instance to track the number of times a container is sterilized over time. 
  16. Click "Create"
  17. After creating the case you will be brought to the detail screen to review the details of the case and access additional event options. Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 12.27.30 PM

The next step in the case workflow is to record sales for the case

How to Schedule a Case in the Console

  1. Create Event: To schedule a Case in the console navigate to the Events screen and click the “Create New” button in the upper right corner. 

  2. Select Event Type. For more info on Event Types, check out this article
  3. Enter a name for the case to help distinguish one case from another. 

    1. If no event name is entered, the system will generate one automatically from the stored event information.

  4. Select the representative present for the case.

    1. This must be the custodian user whose inventory will be pulled from when marking used inventory for this case. 
    2. Admins and distributors may enter cases on behalf of users under their purview, meaning if you are an admin or distributor you may select a user other than yourself. 
  5. Enter the anonymous patient ID
    1. ConnectSx is built on HIPAA-compliant infrastructure, we recommend using Anonymous identifiers to lower the risk of potential breach. 
    2. Users must continue to observe their company's procedures and safeguards for safeguarding patient data.
  6. Select the Facility, Procedure, and Physician from the associated drop down menus. 
    1. These options are populated from the assigned directory records. If a record is missing it may need to be created in the directory or assigned to the user
    2. For questions about missing directory records, reach out to your organization's admin for more information.

    3. You may add a new record by clicking the "Add new" link at the bottom of the drop down selection menu.
  7. Select the Date and Time of the case
    1. Date it a required field. Time is not required, although it is necessary to take advantage of scheduling features of ConnectSx, such as the Event Calendar. 
  8. Click "Next"
  9. Select Manufacturer
    1. You should select every manufacturer that will have inventory used in the Event. Manufacturer is populated from the Directory.
  10. Add Product Lines
    1. You may also enter a product line for the case, this will add product line filters to the inventory selection in the next screen. Product lines can be added after the case has been created.
  11. Assign Containers.
    1. Select from the containers available to the assigned user  in the dropdown (in their custody or available to them in the case of distributorships with shared inventory). This is how to keep track of which the inventory used in the case came from.
    2. This step is not required, but will associate any containers present in the case with the event record to track usage. 
    3. Any container that has a device added to the case will automatically be associated with the case record. However, adding containers manually ensures they are associated if they were present and unused, for instance to track the number of times a container is sterilized over time.
  12. Click "Create". 
  13. When the case is created you will be brought to the Event Detail Screen to review the case information and access additional event options
  14. The next step in the case workflow is to record sales by marking inventory as used. 

 SECURITY NOTE: All Data is stored on HIPAA compliant infrastructure, however we caution you to not include patient data unless absolutely necessary in order to avoid the risk of a healthcare information breach. We also STRONGLY caution against logging into your console account from a public computer. If you must log in on a computer that is shared, be sure that you are completely logged out before you leave the machine. We would even suggest quitting the browser.