2024 Beacon Release Note History
v5.6.0, Released November 18, 2024
- Implemented features to allow users to connect with more than 120 third-party tools, including Quickbooks, Sage, Xero, Dynamics 365, Slack, Salesforce, Hubspot, and others.
- Added the ability to execute a "quick transfer", allowing authorized field users to transfer inventory to their custody from designated Quick Transfer locations, such as forward stocking locations.
- Added the ability to select which version of the Sales Order PDF is included in the system-generated email to facility contacts.
v5.5.0, Released October 31, 2024
- Added "Quick Actions" to top of events, inventory, and movements pages to reflect the most common/likely actions to be taken based on the current state of the page a user is on
- Added an OCR option to inventory scanning to allow a user to scan text to execute an inventory search
- Multiple UI/UX updates to the existing inventory audit feature
- Updated "Return" events to allow a user to select facility stock, in the event those items need to be returned to the Org.
- NOTE: This will deactivate the facility stock when the return event is closed.
- Updated the Case event type to allow for creating of an event WITHOUT a physician
- NOTE: A physician must be entered before the case can be submitted for billing
- Updated the Stocking Order event type to allow a user to designate the event "Direct Sale" which will immediately deactivate all inventory associated to the sales event when the event is submitted for billing
- NOTE: Do Not use this option if you need to track sold items used in cases after the sale has happened.
- Added "Facility Name" to facility stock inventory to show which facility the item was sold to
- Updated the Container Calendar to display container reservations
- Performance improvements for transfer details load times
- Updated the current Container Turn report
- Added a new UDI report to the Inventory reporting section
- Added a Case Readiness report to the Sales reporting section
- Added a Days of Inventory On Hand report to the Inventory reporting section
- Added an ABC Classification report to the Inventory reporting section
- Added a PO # Added report to the Events reporting section
v5.4.0 Released September 12, 2024
Several general UI updates to the Beacon Web App to improve workflows and user experience
Adding a New AI navigation item that includes access to:
Support Chat bot that leverages our knowledge base to answer how-to questions
AI multimodal function for adding devices to an event using a handwritten or sticker bill sheet
AI multimodal function to create an event AND add devices to the event using a handwritten or sticker bill sheet
Replaced complex URLs in email with helpful link text
Added a new widget to the dashboard to display Extension Requests for Loaner containers
Added the ability to CREATE a new Event AND add devices to the event by uploading an image of a handwritten bill sheet using multi-modal AI
Added the ability select multiples of select filters in the Events filter controls
Made backend improvements to Events processing
Added the ability to make selected comments (1 or more) visible on the printed Sales Order PDF
Added a new filter to search Events by the Anonymous Patient ID field
Added a date/timestamp and username to the PO as it is added to an event
Added the ability for a user to see event details for ANY event they have been @commented in, even if they do not have access to that event
Added the ability select multiples of select filters in the inventory filter controls
Added email notifications to show when Audit and extension request statuses have changed
Added Container Reservations to the Container Calendar view
Added the ability to create Inventory Packs (A package of devices ALWAYS sold as a group)
Users can create a catalog ID that is a Pack of Devices
Users create a BOM for an inventory pack
Using the Pack BOM, items are created and added to the Pack
The Pack and Its devices have their own catalog numbers and lot numbers, but ONLY the Pack is charged for, based on pricing of the pack
Added the ability for Admins to HIDE visualization reports on a user-by-user basis
Added a report for Inventory Optimization and Performance in the Requests Page.
This report shows inventory that matches open requests, the distance of that inventory to the requestor, the length of time that inventory has been with the current custodian, and how many times that inventory has been used in a case since being received.
Added a Revenue Calculator report
This report allows admins to model revenue changes if increasing the price of one or more catalog numbers
This can be modeled for individual or multiple catalog numbers
This can be modeled for individual, multiple, or all facilities
This uses historical sales numbers to calculate the potential revenue increase
Added an Inventory Reconciliation report
This report allows you to see inventory changes using start and end date parameters
This report shows the following:
Starting active inventory
Total invnetory added
Total inventory deactivated (removed/sold)
Ending active inventory
Inventory quantities added by Import and by manual addition
Inventory quantities removed by event and by manual deactivation
Updated the Container Turn report to include BOTH containers AND loose (reusable) devices
Added the ability to fulfill an inventory request FROM a Sales rep with shared distributor inventory by sending the transfer TO THE DISTRIBUTOR, instead of the requesting Rep
Added the ability for Custodian Only users to log in for a Read-Only view of their account
Added an automated job to remove all notifications older than 1 week
v5.3.0 Released July 4, 2024
Added a new widget to the dashboard to show the 10 most recent notifications
Added the ability to schedule containers for upcoming cases/events
Added the ability for sales and distributor users to request an extension for inventory with assigned due-back dates
Added the ability to add multiple custodians and catalog IDs when setting inventory search filters
Added the ability to scan a barcode and when only one matching item is found, the user will be taken directly to that item’s detail page
Added multiple UI/UX improvements to the Inventory Audits feature
Added auto-reconciliation features to the Inventory audits, allowing users to automatically move inventory when reconciling discrepancies from an audit
Added a “deactivated on” timestamp to all inactive inventory (does not apply to inventory deactivated before the implementation of this feature)
Added the ability to automatically set due-back dates on containers based on a predefined number of days after a scheduled case
Multiple UI/UX improvements to the BOM detail
Added the ability to create a replenishment request from a container BOM when that container is not stocked to par levels
Added the ability select product types when associating inventory to a preference card
Added a validation control that will disable the ability to change a reusable inventory item's status (“Reusable” or “Single Use”) once that “Reusable” has been selected.
An item can be changed from single use to reusable, but NOT the other way around
Added the ability to add new catalog #'s to a product line from the Product Line detail page
Added the ability to pull relevant manufacturer data from a scanned barcode when creating a new manufacturer (using our GUDID integration)
Added the ability to select a default email address for sending sales orders and invoices
Added access to reports for Sales and Distributor roles
Replaced the legacy inventory export with a new Looker-based inventory stock export and full inventory export
Removed the legacy Stock Report Scheduling tool
This is replaced by the ability to schedule any of our new reports to be delivered via email using any duration
Added the ability for an operations user to change the hold status of all items contained in an outgoing transfer
Added a setting for admin users to require Sales and Distributors confirm to confirm that they have followed company decontamination and other procedures before transferring devices
Added the ability to change consignment status when executing a transfer
Added the ability to show a transfer as a “loaner” status transfer
Added the ability to mark an inventory request as “In Progress”
Added a timestamp to show when a user last logged in
5.2.0 Notes, Released 5/2/2024
Performance improvements for multiple application components
Code refactoring and code cleanup
Framework and library version updates
Hid the “All Sets Confirmed at Facility, Ready for Use” checkbox when it is unchecked AND inventory has been marked in the event
Increased the number of items that can be simultaneously removed from an event from 50 to 1,500
Added the ability to “Add New” inventory for AI Parsed items that have a catalog # in the system but are not found in the custody of the event rep.
Added the ability to “select all” inventory if a user is filtering by a single container, allowing them to select all items inside the container at the same time.
Updated the Regional Manager role to allow them to create in-feld transfers for their reps and distributors, and create cases and events for their assigned regional users
5.1.0 Notes, Released 3/18/2024
Added AI-based feature that allows a user to upload an image of a hand-written bill sheet and have the devices used automatically assigned to the event in ConnectSx
Added a filter to show Cases that have used “Facility Stock Inventory”
Backend improvements to performance for queries looking for similar inventory (same catalog/lot combination)
Added a timestamp in Facility Detail to show the date/time “Pricing last updated”
Added report to show admin and operations users all Loaner containers*
*Pending release
5.0.0 Notes, Released 2/28/2024
UI Improvements to page-level navigation to be more consistent across the platform
Removed auto-search from all sections in the app. Search is now triggered by clicking submit after entering text *or* by changing a filter
Implemented multi-language support for English, French, German, Spanish, and Vietnamese
Added currency support for $NZ (for default Org currency)
Added a QR code to the Sales Order to allow anyone with the bill sheet to enter the PO without logging in
Person scanning the QR code is taken to a non-authenticated page to add PO Number
Integrated UDIdentify functionality into the Console to allow you to add inventory into the system by scanning UDI barcodes
UDIs must be known to FDA GUDID in order to be successfully imported
Current version required one scan per device. Future versions will allow changing the quantity manually
NOTE: This is a premium feature. Please contact us for details on enabling this feature for your account.
Added a feature that will store imported catalog descriptions if a catalog description does not already exist
Added a feature to Inventory Requests that allows a user to indicate which requested items have not been included in the transfer
Added a feature to the Transfer packing slip that shows which requested items have not been sent (backordered)
Added a feature to the Transfer packing slip that includes QR codes to allows anyone with the packing slip to scan using their phone and accept or report an issue with the transfer
Person scanning the QR code is taken to a non-authenticated page to accept or report issue
Added a setting to allow a user to add additional devices to a replenishment request
Added a feature to allow an admin to send an email notification to a facility contact when inventory is being shipped direct to the facility
Added the Preference Card reference to the Inventory Request detail page
Added a feature on Transfer Detail pages to allow an admin/operations user to mark the transfer as “Shipped”. Transfers are automatically marked “Shipped” when a tracking # is added.
Added the ability to change a shipping address on a transfer BEFORE the transfer is marked as “Shipped”
Added “Credit Hold” flag to facility detail page. When on Credit Hold, cases cannot be assigned to those facilities until the hold is removed
Added report to the Requests page for “Partially Fulfilled Requests”
General User Settings
Added a setting to allow an admin to automatically send bill sheet to Xero or Quickbooks when PO is added OR when case is submitted for billing
4.14.0 Notes, Released 1/4/2024
AI Enhancements
Add AI support to auto-fill the most frequently used values in Event details, including event type, procedure, etc.